I am saddened that our son and his wife will not be here with us. But, I have great memories of some Christmas' past to sustain me through until we do get to see them. It probably won't be until mid-January. I told the kids, it's OK.... we will do a full blown Christmas celebration whenever they can get here, but they should NOT expect to see the Christmas tree still up. (We got it the very day after Thanksgiving!) If it's still up when they come, it will be like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.
As you can imagine, my husband is more than likely saddened too, I'm hoping to make "our" Christmas (our first one alone?) an enjoyable one. I'll be prepared to take pics of our Christmas Eve dinner table. I have to work tomorrow Noon to 6 pm. After that, I will come home and prepare a wonderful varied seafood dinner. I'm planning salmon, two small 8-oz. lobster tails, sea scallops, shrimp, couscous, and a little bit of an antipasti platter. Got olives, more olive, marinated artichoke hearts, roasted red peppers, stuffed mushrooms (both vegan and meat eaters)... cream cheese stuffed cherry tomatoes.... all sorts of stuff. Just to pick at. I got little bits of everything I mentioned. I know it sounds like a lot, but there really isn't all that much of one thing... so we should do well. I'll force myself to remember to take pics. And hopefully, take them before we destroy the beauty of the food by eating it.
Part of my goal in starting this blog is to share with you my intent, my desire to have "more" friends, family, and guests come and share around our table. The food isn't the only thing that I'm interested in. Yes, I believe I share a very personal part of who I am in my creativity of the food and entertaining, but as a host, I am so much more fulfilled if I see smiles at my table, hear laughter across the room, and just relish in good old fashioned communion... through the food... which hopefully makes people so comfortable that they just want to open up and share a story or two. I love it! I look forward to this goal of mine. As of the first of the year, I will attempt to invite friends and acquaintances and family to "come join our table".... there will be much in store for you.
I wish we could welcome guests to our table this Christmas Eve, but I'm content to share this evening with the only man I love, and the man who loves me. It will be a great evening. Oh, and I got some bubbly! That's always fun. One from Goose Watch Winery's Golden Spumonte, and another one of our favorites from Swedish Hill Winery's Spumonte Blush, both wineries are in the Finger Lakes Wine Region in New York State. We've been to these and other wineries a few times... I more than the husband... as I used to go with this great group of people every year to several wineries over a two day period. And as always, we believe there is always an unseen guest at our table. I hope He likes what we have to share... in its simplicity, yet elegance, and... now... I'm hungry. Oh well. Until tomorrow evening. Christmas Eve dinner with THE love of my life. It doesn't get any better than this.
Has anyone out there seen Julie and Julia (the movie?) I absolutely adore it. Job well done Julie Powell! So many recipes, and not enough days to do them all... and they were French cooking as well. Not an easy task. But Julie pressed on toward the mark... and she made it... with her mind and heart in tact. Both of their story lines in the movie were based on true stories about their individual lives. Too cool!
Looking for a good closing salutation, and still thinking, (any help or suggestions?)
Penny Sue
Just gettin' started...
Hey there, I've just started a new blog (I have another blog about my life/business). I am very interested in culinary interests. I have been an foodie, Foodtv.com junkie for years. I would just enjoy the company of other foodie fun people here on blogspot. I love cooking. I'm not so fond of baking, though I can do it, but, I just like the freedom of cooking. It's not so rigid. Baking is very definite... with very little room for "personal" expression... in order for things to come out edible.
I bought a couple of salmon fillets tonight at the market where I work part time. I'm looking forward to making this dinner for my husband and I sometime over the weekend. I'll share the absolutes when I've completed my meal.
I hope that those of you that visit here, feel welcome... share everything and anything... and it doesn't need to do with food. All comments and conversation is welcome. That's why I call it "Come join our table.... " because I believe that our dinner tables is where a lot of good conversation happens. It's part of the art of good food. People feel welcome and they open up.... and they also need to know that they are welcomed to a safe place. My "table" is safe. I look forward to meeting new people and sharing so many different things.
Oh, and today, I am starting a 2nd blogspot page. Today is my birthday. This is my gift to myself.
Here is a small selection of "tables" in our life... enjoy.

Hugs to all of you,
Penny Sue
I bought a couple of salmon fillets tonight at the market where I work part time. I'm looking forward to making this dinner for my husband and I sometime over the weekend. I'll share the absolutes when I've completed my meal.
I hope that those of you that visit here, feel welcome... share everything and anything... and it doesn't need to do with food. All comments and conversation is welcome. That's why I call it "Come join our table.... " because I believe that our dinner tables is where a lot of good conversation happens. It's part of the art of good food. People feel welcome and they open up.... and they also need to know that they are welcomed to a safe place. My "table" is safe. I look forward to meeting new people and sharing so many different things.
Oh, and today, I am starting a 2nd blogspot page. Today is my birthday. This is my gift to myself.
Here is a small selection of "tables" in our life... enjoy.

Hugs to all of you,
Penny Sue
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